If He Can Do It, So Can You!


A few days ago, I received a message from a gentleman who found my website, wiccanhighpriestess.com. He is a retired Christian pastor, and after many years in service of the church and his Christian flock, he finds himself drawn to Wicca as a way to invite balance into his life and that which he turns outward in the spirit of love and fellowship to others.

He lamented the lack of honorship of the divine feminine in his former religious structure. But, he is joyously embracing a new outlook and path of enlightenment that celebrates the creatrix, nurturer, and wise woman inherent in all of us, regardless of gender.

In a society that celebrates the conqueror, the ladder-climber, and the warrior, we tread upon the virtues of forgiveness, empathy, and unconditional love. We lose sight of the fact that we are one, and we are all broken spirits in search of that sacred oneness. We have forgotten that we have been made in the image of our creator, which is in love, connectedness, widsom, and light.

I invite you to “unbreak” yourself. Surrender to the softness and love that never ceases to try to find a way into your life experience, regardless of how you push against it. Where there is fearless love, and faith in its unconquerable embrace, there is safety, nourishment, and kindred souls. And it’s yours to keep if you choose to accept it.

As always, my love and support go with you, fellow seeker. Please help me spread that love and light by liking my FaceBook page @highpriestessbrooke and sharing its content with your tribe, especially the ones that need to hear it the most.